
Projects I've done that are worth mentioning.



Bayan is an Arabic search engine built for Islamic jurisprudence upon the Google search engine. Built upon Google Search to re-rank and analyze results based on a fine-tuned AraBERT model.



The ideal iOS app for flag enthusiasts. Browse all the world's national flags with loads of details, filter and sort them using a wide range of options, and save them into smart and custom lists.

Airline Sentiment Analysis


Sentiment analysis on airline tweets using different classifiers, including a fine-tuned roBERTa model to achieve an accuracy of 86.2% and macro F1 of 82.0%.

Deep Cancer Classification


Classification of images of cancer cells using a CNN model and a fine-tuned ResNet50 model, including RayTuning and Captum analysis, to attain a test accuracy of 98.1%.

Spark Search Pipeline


A big-data focused text search and filtering pipeline in Apache Spark, ranking a large set of documents by relevance for a set of user defined queries, while filtering out redundancies.

This Website


This website, featuring a custom built blog engine for creating, posting, and managing blog posts. Built using Flask and deployed using NGINX and Gunicorn. Designed with Bootstrap.
