10 January 2023

Took me five months but I've finally completed Sapiens. Incredible book; would recommend to every sapien.

 24 December 2022

Sometimes I wish to share a thought without drafting an entire blog post about it. Hence, microblogs.

Mystery of the Missing Mac

 30 July 2022

Eighteen weeks ago, on the 23rd of March, I ordered an M1 MacBook Pro. Today, on the 30th of July, I finally received it. This is what happened. Chapter 0: The Purchase Decision On the morning of the 23rd of March, during one of our slightly awkward conversations, my father brought up the topic of computers. “Saad, I'm thinking about getting a high-end laptop.” “The new M1 Macs are pretty incredible.” "I can run Windows on those, like yours, right?" “Nope, thats an Intel thing. And mine's the last good one." “In that case, I’ll take yours and you can get the new one.” “Are you sure? They’re...

Placeholder Post

 1 June 2022

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mi sem, ultrices et porttitor sed, efficitur eu lacus. Fusce condimentum aliquam sapien ultricies sollicitudin. In vitae erat libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eu fermentumarcu. Maecenas rhoncus velit et ipsum interdum tincidunt. Proin egestas leo ante, vitae porta urna accumsan in. Maecenas mattis rhoncus nunc, eu porta ante tincidunt id. Praesent vitae pharetra ipsum. Mauris pretium mi et vehicula mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia...
